What to Look For In A Pet Friendly House Cleaning Service In Charlotte
With pets in your home, maintaining cleanliness can be a real tough task. Regardless of how hard you try to keep your pets away from dirtaccidents do happen around the home. This is why you should always look for professional pet friendly house cleaning service in Charlotte at least once a month.
What to look for in a competent pet-friendly cleaning service?
Some cleaning services may ask you to take out your pets from the home for a day. It specifies that the cleaning products they’re utilizing may be injurious to the health of your pets or their cleaners may not be comfortable working with pets.
However, a service that’s safe for pets will have knowledge in working alongside all kinds of pets from dogs to cats, birds, fish, and even reptiles.

When looking to hire a service, inquire regarding the type of products they’ll be using. Specific chemicals can be injurious to pets if inhaled so ensure they utilize products that are free from such injurious compounds. Here’s a list of constituents that must be avoided for pet-friendly house cleaning:
- Ammonia
- Bleach
- Perchloroethylene employed in carpet cleaners
- Formaldehyde employed in household cleaners
- Phenols
- Phthalates
Inquire what tools or instruments they’ll use:
Don’t forget to check out whether your chosen cleaners are furnished with the appropriate tools & equipments. For example, a considerable issue for families with dogs or cats is dander as it can get into the carpets & settle in the fibers which become tough to remove employing a normal vacuum cleaner. To clean the carpets meticulously & reach all the pet dander in the fabric a vacuum unit with HEPA filtration is needed. It not just takes off all the pet dander but keep it away from the environment during vacuuming as well. Be certain to check out whether they utilize eco-friendly and organic cleaning products as these are safe for pets.

For totally pet safe house cleaning service in Charlotte, you can always count on Furry Friends House Cleaning. We are pet lovers ourselves & will be sure to give your pets lots of affection while we get your home spic and span.
This Blog Originally Posted Here: https://furryfriendsclean.wordpress.com/2018/11/20/what-to-look-for-in-a-pet-friendly-house-cleaning-service-in-charlotte/
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