House Cleaning Tips To Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19

As the Covid -19 pandemic spreads across the globe, it is an excellent time to comprehend how cleaning can help in preventing the spread of diseases & what you can do to reduce the odds of infection in your house.

Covid-19 is predominantly transmitted from one person to other through minute droplets of saliva or other bodily fluids that hover in the air following a cough or sneeze.

Infected objects & surfaces can also be critical in the spreading of disease. It isn’t totally clear what part they play in communicating the noble corona virus, but they play a critical one for one related viruses such as SARS.


Nevertheless, it makes sense that something infected with the virus could transmit it on, for instance if a person touches it & touches their face.

So, if anyone at risk of having the virus has been in your house, cleaning to decrease the volume of contagion on surfaces may assist in reducing your odds of further spread of COVID-19.

It takes only a few minutes, but cleaning high-traffic surfaces in your home once a day can make a big difference in preventing the transmission of not just coronavirus but also other transferable diseases.


What is a high touch surface?

High touch surfaces are those where you as well as your family leave a million fingerprints daily.
  • Light switches
  • Door knobs
  • TV remote
  • Refrigerator & microwave doors
  • Drawer pulls
  • Toilet handles
  • Faucet handles
  • Counters and table tops where you cook & eat
Everybody’s house is a bit different, so just think regarding the surfaces you come in touch with most.

What should I use to clean?

If a surface becomes infected or you think it could be, cleaning it with the help of a regular household disinfectant will slaughter the virus. Don’t forget to wash your hands with soap thoroughly after clean and steer clear of touching your nose, mouth or eyes.


Prevention is best:

Keep in mind that surfaces plays an important part in spreading virus, so preventing them from becoming infected in the first place is as critical as cleaning. There’re a few steps you can take to decrease the amount of infection of surfaces in your home:
  • Cover your face while coughing & sneezing, preferably with a tissue paper, and clean your hands with soap and water instantly.
  • Wash your hands frequently, particularly after making a bathroom trip and prior to eating.
We hope these small yet useful home cleaning tips will help you in preventing the spread of COVID-19! Stay Home Stay Safe!


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